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Pierson Weather Forecast, FL (32180)
Our Replacement / Credit Policy: We harvest, package and store our fresh florist greens in our coolers for delivery to or pickup by your choice
of refrigerated land or air transportation company. We guarantee your order to be correct or we'll
replace the item or apply a credit of equal value to your RGHF Account. All freight is shipped
FOB: Pierson, FL 32180, USA. We are not responsible for handling or shipping damages. Any perishable product claim must
be made to us in writing and include a photograph of the claimed damaged product within 24 hours of receipt of the perishable
good from your shipping company to be considered for credit or replacement by us. We are not liable for freight costs.
Damage caused during the shipping process and late or missed order delivery to the cosignee is the
sole responsibility of the shipping company and the cosignee, not the shipper Raiford G. Hagstrom Ferneries.